Saturday, November 06, 2004

Healing News Bulletin

I received the following.

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Healing News Bulletin
November '04

Marriage Rally: More than 150,000 people gathered on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., to sound the alarm that marriage and society are in danger. The Mayday for Marriage rally featured pro-family speakers who stressed the need to take the country back from activist courts. For more info:
Clean Heart Ministries: Clean Heart Ministries (Charlotte, NC) will host REDEEMING THE SEXUAL GENERATION with Sy Rogers, Friday and Saturday November 5-6. For information and to register visit You may also call 704-373-2223 for information.
National Video Available: The new video entitled "I Do Exist," was released during the weekend of October 8-11. The film features narratives of those who have changed as well as expert commentary from Dr. Robert Spitzer, Dr. Mark Yarhouse and Dr. Warren Throckmorton. To arrange a showing or purchase a copy:
Anglican Church Stance: Bishops in the worldwide Anglican community "should not ordain any more openly homosexual members of the clergy and should stop conducting same-sex marriages," a long-awaited report said Monday. For more information:
United Methodists Stance:Pro-homosexual members of the United Methodist Church (UMC) are being asked to make a "gracious exit" from the denomination. The United Methodist Action Committee of the Institute on Religion and Democracy (IRD) is calling for the "peaceful departure" of Methodist clergy who cannot abide by the church's standards on marriage and sex. For info:
NARTH Conference: The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality will host a national conference Nov 12-14, 2004 in Washington DC. They will share most recent information on therapeutic interventions, research, and other useful information for those interested in the scientific aspects to SSA. For more information: 818-789-4440 or
Gay Domestic Violence: The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association is launching a first-of-its-kind "LGBT Relationship Violence Project" to educate medical professionals about domestic violence in lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender communities. The project will be paid for by a $50,000 grant from the Blue Shield of California Foundation, the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA) announced in a press release. For more information:
Azusa Support Group: A group of devoted men have created a new support group within the Azusa, California area for those who desire freedom from same-sex attraction. November's guest speaker is Ryan Howes, who is a member of Dr. Nicolosi's team. The group attracts between 15-30 men on a regular basis. For more information:
Exodus International: This Christian organization helps assist those who struggle with unwanted same-sex desires. They also have support groups and workshops for families, friends, and loved ones. For more information:

You may not be directly impacted by the "gay" movement, but as a therapist I receive a large number of calls regarding homosexual issues. Therapists, church leaders, families, individuals and youth seem to have a stronger need for correct information. Over the past four years, I have been involved with the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), developing techniques to heal those who struggle with this condition. Because there is an increasing demand, I decided to write a news bulletin to periodically disseminate helpful information about SSA (same-sex attraction). If you do NOT want to be on this list, please let me know. If you have friends, colleagues, family or church leaders you would like included on the list, please send their information. You can respond to this email or send a message through our website:


Floyd Godfrey, LPC