Saturday, October 02, 2004

Teaching about SSA in a Church Setting

In a recent discussion, the question was how to teach youth (specifically young women) about SSA, and how to protect youth from inappropriate activity.

The following outline was suggested.

What Young Women Leaders Should Teach Young Women

1. The law of chastity
All expression of sexual feelings outside of marriage is wrong (whether heterosexual or homosexual).
Expression of those feelings in marriage should be an expression of love and kindness.
To be victimized is not sinful. A victim can ask for and receive help.

2. Some people have unwanted feelings of same sex attraction.
To believe that people are born that way is inconsistent with gospel teachings.
One need not experiment to determine if he/she is "gay".
The feelings that these people have are very real.
The feelings are often associated with other psychological, developmental, or emotional problems.
Help is available, but a person must be willing to ask for help.
Change is possible.

3. As church members, we need to treat those who struggle with temptation with compassion and love.
We should love the sinner, although we denounce the sin.
We need to be sure that those who struggle feel that the church is a safe place, a place where they can go to receive help and support.
Those who struggle will not ask for help if they fear ridicule or rejection.
To be tempted is not the same as to be sinful.

4. Youth are frequently placed in situations where they must shun temptation.
They need to be taught how to recognize temptation and what to do when faced with it.