Sunday, September 05, 2004

On Growth into Manhood

In April, 2004, Elder L. Tom Perry entitled his conference address "Fatherhood, an Eternal Calling." The article can be found in the May 2004 Ensign, page 69, or referenced below.,5232,23-1-439-24,00.html

In his book Growth Into Manhood, Alan Medinger discusses the need a man has to learn to what men do (or should be doing). Elder Perry addresses what some of the most significant leadership roles a man has, and teaches what a man's role should be in the home.

For the man who struggles with what his role is, the first step is to learn; the second is to implement what he has learned. Not everything will work well the first time. But not unlike when you first learned to ride a bicycle, you must get back on and keep trying. It helps to know what the final outcome should be.