Friday, June 04, 2004

Creating a Safe Environment

In an effort to create an safe environment in which personal problems can be discussed, leaders in my ward placed the following announcement in the Sunday bulletin on a regular basis.

Welfare services are available to help resolve problems with the following:
1. Unemployment, employment upgrades, job counseling
2. Family counseling
3. Adoption services
4. Overcoming same sex attraction
5. Out-of-wedlock pregnancy
6. Substance abuse (drug and alcohol addiction)
7. Personal financial counseling and family budgeting
8. Mental health disorders (depression, anxiety, OCD, etc.)
9. Adult literacy (learning to read)
10. Home management skills (cooking, sewing, etc.)
11. Home storage, canning, and gardening
12. Ministering to those in prison
13. Education counseling
14. Death, disability, and illness
15. Grief and grieving
See the bishop, or Relief Society or quorum leaders for more information.