Thursday, June 03, 2004

Healing News Bulletin

I received the following email recently from Floyd Godfrey, a Mesa, Arizona therapist.

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Healing News Bulletin
June '04

Dear Friend,

You may not be directly impacted by the "gay" movement, but as a therapist I receive a large number of calls regarding homosexual issues. Therapists, church leaders, families, individuals and youth seem to have a stronger need for correct information. Over the past four years, I have been involved with the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), developing techniques to heal those who struggle with this condition. Because there is an increasing demand, I decided to write a news bulletin to periodically disseminate helpful information about SSA (same-sex attraction). If you do NOT want to be on this list, please let me know. If you have friends, colleagues, family or church leaders you would like included on the list, please send their information. You can respond to this email or send a message through our website:


Floyd Godfrey, CPC


New Website: Our new website is dedicated to quality information about SSA. We have included support groups & organizations, workshop & conference dates, testimonials, and other useful info. Please look us up at

New Audiotape documents change: Last year we interviewed several men who went through therapy and experienced the change process. These were men who were once exclusively "homosexual" and now claim "heterosexuality" as a result of proper treatment. These tapes are an excellent resource as the men tell true stories of real change. For more information please visit us:

Sunday School Lesson available: A lesson outline has been developed for combined Priesthood/Relief Society lessons. It is also highly recommended for combined youth meetings or firesides. It is an excellent resource for church leaders to present correct information and establish open discussion formats. Most adults and youth do not disclose this struggle to their leaders because the issue is very taboo. This lesson outline helps to eliminate this obstacle and provide accurate, wholesome information. You are welcome to call my office for a free copy: 480-668-8301.

Experiential Weekend highly recommended: There is a wonderful opportunity for healing on June 11-13 in Chicago, IL and August 13-15 in Provo, UT with the "Journey Into Manhood" weekend. This experience is for adult men who are struggling with SSA, but committed to change. Although not considered therapy, the activities during the weekend are very therapeutic in nature. I highly recommend this weekend. For more information and registration:

Legalized Same-Sex Marriage: Massachusetts recently legalized same-sex partnerships( This has large ramifications for the nation. If a "gay" couple gets married in Massachusetts, they could then move to Arizona and their marriage would be lawfully recognized. Consequently, it will be necessary for Arizona to change its constitution to recognize only traditional marriage. There was a recent rally at the Arizona State Capitol in support of marriage between man and woman. Between 5,000-6,000 individuals attended the rally, composed of people from a variety of faiths and backgrounds. United Families International is highly involved in the legal lobby for traditional marriage. You can contact Sharon Slater if you're interested in helping:

New Book for Parents: Dr. Joseph Nicolosi has written a fantastic new book for families who have youth struggling with SSA. It is called "A Parents Guide to Preventing Homosexuality." I highly recommend this book which can be purchased through (you won't find this at the bookstore).

Local Group gets church support: The Mesa Highland Stake recently created an Evergreen support group for adult men who struggle with SSA. The group is led by a church leader who does NOT struggle with this problem. They meet on a weekly basis to provide information, support, and hope to those who struggle. The group has received an enormous response, which includes individuals from different faiths. The stake is currently considering the formation of a similar group for the wives and family members of those who struggle. For more information on Evergreen east valley, call Jon 430-4510; or Evergreen Phoenix/Glendale, call Roger Jenkins 602-995-4235.

Treatment Group success: We currently have a men's intensive treatment group facilitated through my office. Individuals are screened before participation to assess appropriate placement. This is a safe environment to promote emotional healing of the deficits and wounds which produce SSA. For more information about this group or individual counseling, please contact me: Floyd Godfrey 480-668-8301.